These Things are Not Good (or Even Lethal) For Your Dog!

by www-centralnyhomes-com

The following information is taken from a Yahoo article called 26 Household Items Poisonous to Cats and Dogs and from a The Spruce article called Common Backyard Plants That are Poisonous to Dogs. It is edited for brevity. Further study is suggested to expand your knowledge about dosages, symptoms, other poisonous substances and plants.

This is just a basic list of things to watch out for to protect our beloved dog(s) . Since they can’t read and like very much to chew things. (We hope to have a similar compilation article on cats for you in the not too distant future, as cats may have different tolerances and symptoms).

Bad For Dogs:

ItemDetailsPossible Effects
Acetaminophen and IbuprofenCan cause kidney & liver damage
AlcoholBeer, wine, yeastSeizures, respiratory failure
BatteriesAll sizes and compositionsUlcer of mouth, throat, stomach
ChocolateDark and to a lower degree, milkSeizures and death
DetergentAlso fabric softener sheetsUlcer of mouth, throat, stomach
AntifreezeAnything with ethylene glycolKidney failure (even 1 tablespoon)
FertilizersAlso herbicides and pesticidesMild to moderate symptoms
GrapesAlso, grapejuice, raisins, currantsKidney failure
CleanersBleach, drain, toilet bowl, ammoniaToxicity varies
KeroseneGasoline, torch fluids.Drooling, difficulty breathing, drunken acting
MothballsNaphthaleneVomiting, diarrhea, seizures
OnionsLeeks, ChivesAnemia, stomach upset
Prescription MedsA variety of typesA variety of symptoms
Macadamia nutsAKA Queensland nutsLethargy, vomiting, difficulty walking
Rat & Mouse poisonContain Warfarin, CoumarinHemorrhaging, failure to clot
TobaccoNicotineVomiting, tremors, death
Unbaked DoughEspecially breadExpands in stomach, twisting it and cutting off blood supply (surgery)
Wiper FluidMethanol (see ethylene glycol above)Low blood sugar, drunken walking.
XylitolSweetener (gum, mints, toothpaste)Low blood sugar, liver failure
ZincEating metal, coinsAnemia, liver, kidney, heart failure

The following house and garden plants are toxic to dogs. This mainly involves their ingesting them, to various degrees. A lot of these are common plants sold at multiple nurseries. The toxicity varies. But dogs are not very cautious when it comes to what they eat and how much of it. So it is left up to us to keep these things (and others) away from them.

PlantDetailsPossible Effects
AlliumsAll typesToxic
Aloe VeraHouseholdMay be toxic for puppies
Angel’s TrumpetUncommon garden plantVery toxic
AzaleasAlso RhododendronsToxic
BegoniasAll typesToxic
Bird of ParadiseFlorist’s PlantToxic
Bleeding HeartsAll colorsToxic
BoxwoodHedges, also PrivetToxic
ClematisAll typesToxic
Elephant EarsGarden and pottedToxic
FoxgloveDigitalis med for the heartVery toxic
HelleboresAKA Lenten Rose (garden plant)Toxic
HostaCommon garden plantToxic
HydrangeasAll typesToxic
IrisAll typesToxic
Jack in the PulpitWild (usually)Toxic
Jimson WeedWeed (aka Devil’s Trumpet)Restlessness, respiratory failure
Lily of the ValleyCommon bedding plantHeart rhythm problems, death
MonkshoodGarden plantVery toxic
Morning GloryGarden climberToxic
MumsVarious varietiesToxic
OakLeaves and acornsToxic
Sago PalmsHouseplantsVomiting, diarrhea, seizures
WisteriaHanging vineToxic
YarrowAll colorsToxic

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