Amy Edkins

Amy Edkins

Transaction Facilitator

Amy Edkins is Coldwell Banker Faith Properties' Transaction Coordinator.

What does she do? Well, for one, she brings an incredible amount of experience to her job. Amy has successfully helped close, as of this writing, over 7,000 homes.

She has an amazing memory and over the course of the many years she has been in this position, she has established excellent working relationships with the dozens of real estate related professionals that make the homeselling and buying engine work - Attorneys, Mortgage Bankers, Home Inspectors, Appraisers and many more.

The average real estate transaction has many things-potentially- that can go wrong with it and Amy's partnership with the CB Faith agent(s) on the transaction ensures that it will maintain optimum smoothness.

Agents wear many hats and having an expert help them- putting progress online into special client accessed accounts, making factfinding calls, making sure A knows what B is doing- allows them to provide the higher level of service CB Faith is known for.

